Company Maintenance

System Location: Settings > System > Company Maintenance

This area identifies which data source(s) should be used to store and access information related to the use of JobBOSS2 and provides the ability to enter information such as available addresses and related contact details for each one listed. In addition, Company Maintenance settings affect the behavior of each attached company and can be configured to provide many default values that are used when creating new records throughout JobBOSS2.

Company Maintenance Navigator

Company Maintenance Details - Edit

The following information is found by clicking the edit button on the main Company Maintenance navigation screen.

This section contains information that identifies your company and sets the time zone you are operating in.

This section contains the addresses associated with your company and allows you to define your company's Billing Rates and Payroll Rates.

This section contains settings related to job numbering, inventory costing, and system behaviors related to order entry.

This section determines what information displays in Time Tickets and Routing Grids and contains behavioral settings related to entering Time Tickets directly in JobBOSS2 (as opposed to using real time data collection devices.)

Use this section to turn auto numbering on or off for specific records and, for areas where it is being used, to set what the next number the system should use is for each one.

Note: If the Next Number option is enabled, when new items (quote, order, PO, etc.) are created but then are canceled (not saved), the Next Number logic does not roll back the number consumed. The next number logic will skip this number in the future. However, this number can be manually entered on a new item.

Use this section to define your company's shifts, provide default overtime settings, and define rounding rules for Attendance Tickets created from real time data collection devices.

This section contains validation settings applicable for all data collection devices along with behavioral settings related to displaying information on PC Data Collection terminals.

Use this section to create audible notifications for use with data collection devices equipped with speakers.