Cash Receipts

System Location: Data Entry > AR > Cash Receipts

Cash receipts, also referred to as deposits, are used primarily to track payments made by customers for the sale of goods and services, though they would also be used for incoming funds from things like COBRA payments and refunds. Checks can be created in any of the following ways:

  • Through the use of an existing customer invoice
  • By entering the required information directly onto the cash receipt without benefit of an invoice
    • Referred to as a "miscellaneous cash receipt"

Cash receipts have the following characteristics:

  • A Customer Code is required on all cash receipts, including "miscellaneous" ones
    • Use of a "Miscellaneous" Customer Code can be used for these instances
  • Requires association with a Bank Code to identify which account the money is going to
  • Cannot be created or edited in a posted period

In the majority of instances, cash receipts represent money received from an outside source; however it may also be helpful to create a "deposit" record (in conjunction with a check) to better track the transfer of money between internal accounts as well.

Where to Start

Before you start creating a customer invoice, it's important to make sure you have defined all the tables you need and that you understand how the system will behave based on the related company preferences and other settings.

ClosedTables Used on Customer Invoices

The following tables and / or base tables are used on customer invoice records:

Preferences and Other Related Settings

There are no preferences or related settings that affect the creation of a cash receipt.

Cash Receipt Details

Each cash receipt contains information that identifies the check, customer, and amounts paid per invoice(s).

The following links lead to topics that provide reference information for each section of the cash receipt record.

Go to Cash Receipt Details - Details Section

Go to Cash Receipt Details - Details (Processed) Section

Go to Cash Receipt Details - Details Grid Section

Creating and Editing Cash Receipts

Options for Creating Cash Receipts

Follow the links below for step by step instructions of creating cash receipts:

Continue to Create a Cash Receipt From a Customer Invoice

Continue to Create a Cash Receipt Without a Customer Invoice (Miscellaneous Cash Receipt)

Once the Cash Receipt is Created

Once a cash receipt has been processed, all of they fields are grayed out and become reference fields only. In order to make changes to a cash receipt or add more line items, the cash receipt must be unprocessed.

Reports, Forms, and Labels

The following summary reports are available for review / generation under the AR reports dropdown menu:

  • Deposit Summary
  • Commission Summary

The following summary reports are available for review / generation under the AP reports dropdown menu:

  • Bank Reconciliation
    • Contains Deposit / Adjustment Summary (Lists outstanding deposits if any)
    • If you leave the Bank Reconciliation page open while processing a cash receipt, you must click Refresh in the upper right corner of the page before the new cash receipt will appear
  • Checkbook Register
    • Provides information for bank reconciliation

What Comes Next

For most business processes, creating a cash receipt is the final step. You've received payment for your product, so the transaction with your customer is complete. At this time, you may wish to run reports to get an overview of your shop's successes and struggle points.