Create a Cash Receipt Without a Customer Invoice

System Location: Data Entry > AR > Cash Receipts

This topic provides details on how to create a cash receipt (or deposit) without using a customer invoice as the source of information.

Cash receipts created in this way are often referred to as "Miscellaneous Cash Receipts."


For more information see Cash Receipts.

  1. Go to the blue Data Entry tab, open the AR dropdown menu, and select Cash Receipts.
  2. Click New (located at the top of the page.)
Details Section
  1. Provide the Check Number.
    • Entered "manually" by user
    • Must be unique among cash receipts for the selected customer
  2. Select the Customer (Code) the receipt is for.
  3. Verify / provide information for the following fields:
Line Items Section
  1. Click Add Row.
  2. Provide the following values in the new row provided:
    • Gross Amount: Enter the amount being paid
      • The 'Gross Amount' would be reduced by any value entered in the 'Discount Amount' field, but miscellaneous cash receipts would typically not use a discount.
    • GL Code: Select the account that will be credited as a result of the creation of the receipt
      • This would typically be an income account.
    • Comments
  3. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 if additional rows are needed.
Complete the Cash Receipt
  1. Click Save to save and close the receipt.
    • The system automatically processes the receipt upon saving it.
    • Clicking 'Process' keeps the receipt open for viewing.
    • Once processed, the receipt cannot be edited.
    • Receipts in a posted period cannot be unprocessed.


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