How To Create Nonstandard Fiscal Years

The following topic shows how to set up fiscal years that (A) do not match the calendar year or (B) use non-standard periods, such as a 4-4-5 pattern.

For details on information and options available for fiscal years, see Fiscal Year Settings - Reference Information.

For information on implementing the accounting application in JobBOSS2, see How To Implement Accounting in JobBOSS2.

  • It is important to re-define fiscal years and their periods BEFORE entering any accounting records in the year being set up.
  1. In the Navigation Sidebar, click the Settings button.Settings_Button
  2. Open the System drop down menu and select Company Maintenance.
  3. Click Fiscal Year Settings (located at the top of the page.)

    Fiscal Year Settings Button

  4. In the Select Fiscal Year Grid:
    1. Delete the default years provided.
      • Each year must be selected and deleted individually using the Delete button provided.
      • A fiscal year cannot be deleted if it has ANY accounting related records in it.
    2. Select New from the Add Fiscal Year dropdown menu.
      • If you are changing how periods are defined for a future fiscal year and have already implemented accounting, you would create a new year beyond the last one present using the After option.
    3. Edit the Fiscal Year value if needed.
    4. Select the desired method for creating periods from the Type dropdown menu. Options include:
      • 4-4-5
      • 4-5-4
      • 5-4-4
      • 13 Periods
    5. Enter the Begin and End Dates for the year being defined.
      • The system sets these values to January and December by default.
    6. Click Create.

      Create New Year Options

  5. In the Fiscal Year Detail grid, adjust the Begin and End Date of the periods created as needed.

    Fiscal Year Detail Grid

    • Depending on the method selected, the End Date of the final, non-adjustment period will likely need to be edited to account for any "uneven" days.
  6. Add more fiscal years as needed.
    1. Select the latest fiscal year available in the Fiscal Year Detail grid, open the Add Fiscal Year dropdown menu and select After.
      • The system uses the adjusted End Date provided for the previous year and calculates accordingly.
    2. Edit the Fiscal Year value if needed.
    3. Click Create.
    4. Adjust periods as appropriate.
    5. Repeat until you have created all the fiscal years you need at the current time.
    6. The system will automatically create new fiscal years going forward when you post the one marked as Current.