Create Purchase Order For Stock Items

System Location: Data Entry > Purchasing > Purchase Orders

This topic provides details on how to create a single purchase order (P.O.) for the purpose of replenishing inventory levels by using existing part files as the source of information.

For more information see Use the Auto PO Utility to Create Multiple Purchase Orders.

For more information see Purchase Orders.

  1. Go to the blue Data Entry tab, open the Purchasing dropdown menu, and select Purchase Orders.
  2. Click New (located at the top of the page.)
General Section
  1. Verify / provide information for the following fields:
    • P.O. Number
    • P.O. Date
    • Default Line Item Due Date
    • Ignore Minimum Charge On This P.O.
    • Vendor Code and Vendor Name will be populated once parts have been selected (see Line Items Section below.)
Line Items Section
  1. Click Search.
  2. Select Part File from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select one or more parts from the grid to place on the P.O.
    • If multiple items are selected, make sure they are from the same vendor.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Edit the details of any parts included on the P.O. as needed.
    • 'Qty Ordered' defaults to the value based on the item's 'Reorder Level' in terms of its Purchasing Unit.
Header Section
  1. Verify / edit values in this section as needed:
    • Purchased By
    • Contact
    • Currency Code
    • Exchange Rate
      • Will always be "1" unless dealing with a foreign currency.
    • Terms Code and Tax Code
Available Addresses Section
  1. Verify / edit information regarding the expected delivery of the ordered items as needed:
    • Shipping Address Type (radio button)
    • Location / Customer Code / Vendor Code
Comments Section
  1. Verify / edit Notes To Vendor.
    • As indicated in the Comments Section, information entered in this field will print on documents seen by the vendor.
Complete P.O. Creation
  1. Click Process once all the values have been entered / verified on the P.O.
    • It is likely the utility will display prompts regarding differences between the quantities / costs on the P.O.s being created and the Inventory Items / Estimates defined in the system.
    • It is strongly suggested to answer 'No' to these prompts to avoid overwriting existing quantity breaks and related estimated costs on the part files referenced. If the user answers 'Yes', the utility will replace existing breaks with a single break and the cost located on the purchase order being created.
    1. Once processed, you can go back and create additional line items. This unprocesses the P.O., and it must be processed again before you can receive anything in. Outside of that, most of a P.O. cannot be edited. The ability to unprocess a P.O. depends on whether it has been received or not.

As indicated in the dropdown section on editing line items, material can be purchased for both requirement fulfillment and inventory replenishment on the same P.O. Additionally, a single P.O. can contain line items for both job requirements and items that will be placed into inventory.

For more information see Create Purchase Order From Job Requirements.


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