Inventory Transfers - Edit Bin/Lot

Use the Inventory Transfer Utility

System Location: Data Entry > Inventory > Inventory Transfers

This topic provides details on the following functions of the Inventory Transfers Utility:

  • Posting material between inventory and jobs
  • Posting material between jobs
  • Editing Bin and Lot information for material already posted to jobs

For more information see Inventory Transfers.


Select the Source / Destination Job
  1. Go to the blue Data Entry button, open the Inventory dropdown menu, and select Inventory Transfers.
  2. Click Search.
    • By default the Navigator Grid displays all jobs with a status of 'Open.'
    • The search criteria provided can be used to narrow or expand the list of jobs displayed.
  3. Select the job to transfer material to / from or to edit Bin information for.
    • The job selected will be the source or destination of material based on the option selected next.
    • The options below provide details on how to proceed based on the type of transaction desired.
  1. Click Edit Bin/Lot.
    • The Bin / Lot Inventory Transfer Grid displays a list of all parts that have been posted to the selected job.
  2. For each part that needs to have its physical location updated:
    1. Click in Bin Number and enter the new location by typing it in the field.
    2. (OPTIONAL) Click in Lot Number and update as appropriate.
  3. Click OK once the new location information has been entered for all applicable parts.
  4. Click Yes on the prompt to continue.
    • The user is taken back to the Inventory Transfer Navigator.
    • Clicking No returns the user to the grid and allows them to make additional changes.
  5. Click OK to transfer the selected parts and close the Job To Job Inventory Transfer Grid.
  6. Click Close to exit the Inventory Transfer Navigator.


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