Create a Currency Code

System Location: Settings > Base Tables > Currency Codes

Currency codes define the various currencies used on financial transactions with customers and vendors within the system, including the company's native currency.

For more information see Currency Codes.

  1. Click the Settings button.Settings_Button
  2. Open the Base Tables dropdown menu.
  3. Select Currency Codes.
  4. Click New (located at the top of the page.)

Provide Values

Provide information for the fields listed below at a minimum to take advantage of JobBOSS2's reporting and analysis tools in addition to benefiting from its ability to pass information along from one part of the software to another.

An asterisk [*] indicates a required field.

  1. Provide information as appropriate:
    • *Currency Code: Must be unique alphanumeric value (Max length = 12)
    • Description: Appears on Currency Code Navigator and various reports for reference
    • Gain/Loss GL Acct: Used to track gain/loss for exchange value
    • Buy Rate / Sell Rate: Exchange rate used on financial transactions using selected currency code
      • Enter same value in both fields
    • *Currency Symbol: Symbol displayed with financial values
    • Decimal Symbol: Symbol used to denote the break between "dollars" and "cents"
    • Thousands Separator: Symbol used to denote the break between thousand unit increments
    • Decimal Places: Number of decimal places to display with regards to the number of "cents" involved
    • Currency Format: Method used to format currency transactions
    • Negative Currency Format: Method used to format negative currency transactions
  2. Click 'Save' to save and close the record.
    1. Use the Save dropdown menu if you want to create a new record or print a report upon saving.