Create a Receiver Without a Purchase Order (Customer Provided Material)
System Location: Data Entry > Purchasing > Receiving
This topic provides details on how to create a receiver without using a purchase order as the source record. This would most commonly be used when receiving material from a customer for use on parts they have ordered.
If the receiver is created for undefined or "free-form" parts, there is no way to track on hand quantities.
Click Add Row.
Enter the following information in the new row provided:
Part Number
Click Details.
Enter a value in Qty Recvd Good (in terms of Stocking Unit) based on how much material was delivered.
Click OK.
Repeat steps 2 - 5 for each item received.
Click Process.
The system provides a prompt for each free-form part that it is not defined and provides the option to add each one to the permanent part table (as an Inventory Item.)
Click No to keep the part as a free-form part.
Clicking 'Yes' opens the "New Inventory Item" screen.