Create Purchase Order For Freeform / Undefined Parts

System Location: Data Entry > Purchasing > Purchase Orders

This topic provides details on how to create a single purchase order (P.O.) for the purpose of ordering items that are not defined within the Inventory Items area, which are commonly referred to as "freeform parts.". Typical uses for this type of P.O. would be to purchase shop / office supplies or material that is required for a single job that will not be used again.

For more information see Purchase Orders.

  1. In the Navigation Sidebar, click the Data Entry button.Data Entry Button
  2. Open the 'Purchasing' dropdown menu.
  3. Select 'Purchase Orders'.
  4. Click 'New' (located at the top of the page.)

Provide Values

Provide information for the fields listed below at a minimum to take advantage of JobBOSS2's reporting and analysis tools in addition to benefiting from its ability to pass information along from one part of the software to another.

An asterisk [*] indicates a required field.

General Section
  1. Verify / provide information for the following fields:
    • *P.O. Number
      • Often auto populated by the system, but can be manually entered
      • Filled by system when auto numbering is enabled for Purchase Orders in Company Maintenance
      • Must be unique
    • *Vendor Code
      • Identifies who the items will be purchased from since there is no way for system to identify from a part record
      • Vendor Name populates automatically
    • P.O. Date: Represents the date the items were ordered
      • Defaults to current date but can be edited
    • Default Line Item Due Date: Used as the default due date for each item entered onto the P.O.
      • Defaults to current date but can be edited
      • The date present at the time the Line Item is entered is the date used
        • Use the Update All button to flush a new date through already existing line items.
    • Ignore Minimum Charge On This P.O.: Determines the dollar amount displayed on the P.O. if the total is below the vendor's stated minimum charge
      • When selected, the system will create the P.O. for the actual calculated amount even if it is below the minimum charge
      • When left blank, the system will increase the amount of the P.O. to match the listed minimum charge for the vendor as needed
Line Items Section
  1. Click 'Add Row.'
  2. Enter the following information in the row provided:
    • Part Number - Needed to identify what is being purchased
    • Qty Ordered - Represents the number of items being purchased
    • Unit - This is the unit the item is being purchased in
      • Freeform parts on P.O.s have only one unit associated with them since they cannot be placed into inventory.
      • Unit is limited to 3 characters.
    • Unit Cost - The dollar amount of one item, in terms of its stated 'Unit'
    • Description - This can be used to provide additional information about the item being ordered
      • Prints on P.O. along with the 'Part Number' for identification purposes
  3. Edit 'Due Date' if needed.
    • Each line added "inherits" the Default Line Item Due Date provided in the General Section, but can be changed.
    • Use the Update All button to flush a new date through already existing line items.
  4. Verify / edit the destination for the item being ordered.
    • By default, the destination (listed in the 'Job Number' field) is 'Stock.'
      • Freeform parts purchased to 'Stock' do not actually get placed into inventory upon receipt since they are not defined as inventory items.
      • P.O. details for freeform parts purchased to 'Stock' are used to populate AP invoices created from associated receivers.
    • If the freeform part is being ordered for one or more jobs, edit the Line Item Details and indicate which job(s) the cost should go to.
  5. Edit any additional information for the freeform part (such as GL Code, Product Code, and tax status) in the Line Item Details as needed.
Header Section
  1. Verify / edit values in this section as needed:
    • Purchased By: Indicates who authorized the purchase of the listed material / services
    • Contact: Represents the vendor's contact regarding the P.O.
      • You can use the Email icon to send this P.O. to the contact listed here.
    • *Currency Code: Defaults to currency associated with the selected vendor.
    • Exchange Rate: Populates from 'Currency Code' by default.
      • Will always be "1" unless dealing with a foreign currency.
    • Terms Code and Tax Code - Required on AP invoices
Available Addresses Section
  1. Verify / edit information regarding the expected delivery of the ordered items as needed:
    • Shipping Address Type (radio button): Select the option that indicates where the ordered items should be delivered.
      • Internal - Makes Locations associated with the JobBOSS2 Company being used available
      • Customer - Makes the list of Customer Codes available for drop-shipping purposes
      • Vendor - Makes the list of Vendor Codes available for drop-shipping purposes
    • Location / Customer Code / Vendor Code: Dropdown option varies based on the Shipping Address Type selected.
      • Selecting an option from the menu populates the remaining address details.
      • Address details can be edited / entered manually if needed.
Comments Section
  1. Verify / edit 'Notes To Vendor.'
    • As indicated in the Comments Section, information entered in this field will print on documents seen by the vendor.
Complete P.O. Creation
  1. Click 'Process' once all the values have been entered / verified on the P.O.
    1. Once processed, you can go back and create additional line items. This unprocesses the P.O., and it must be processed again before you can receive anything in. Outside of that, most of a P.O. cannot be edited. The ability to unprocess a P.O. depends on whether it has been received or not.


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