Create Purchase Order Using Copy Utility

System Location: Data Entry > Purchasing > Purchase Orders

This topic provides details on how to create a single purchase order (P.O.) by using the Copy Utility. This option would typically be used to create P.O.s for items that are frequently purchased but are not defined as inventory items (commonly referred to as "freeform parts.")

For more information see Purchase Orders.

  1. Go to the blue Data Entry tab, open the Purchasing dropdown menu, and select Purchase Orders.
  2. Select the P.O. to be copied (the Source P.O.) in the Purchase Order Navigator Grid.
    • Use the search options provided if the Source P.O. is not displayed by default.
  3. Click 'Copy' (located at the top of the page.)
    • The utility automatically opens a new P.O. (Destination P.O.) form (with the designation of "copy") that contains all the information present in the Source P.O.

Verify Values

Verify information in the Destination P.O. to make sure it contains the correct dates, parts, and quantities.

An asterisk [*] indicates a required field.

General Section
  1. Verify / provide information for the following fields:
    • *P.O. Number
    • P.O. Date: Represents the date the items were ordered
    • Default Line Item Due Date: Used as the default due date for each item added to the Destination P.O.
      • Defaults to the 'P.O. Date' provided on the Source P.O. but can be changed
      • Changing the value here does not automatically update the Due Dates for parts listed in the Line Items Grid
        • Use the Update All button to flush a new date through already existing line items.
      • The date present will be used for any new Line Items added to the grid
    • Ignore Minimum Charge On This P.O.: Determines the dollar amount displayed on the P.O. if the total is below the vendor's stated minimum charge
Line Items Section
  1. Delete any items that are not needed on the Destination P.O.
    • If the utility is used to re-create P.O.s for expendable supplies, it may be common to copy a "template" P.O. and simply delete the items that are not being purchased on the Destination P.O.
  2. Verify the following information for each remaining row in the grid:
    • Part Number - Determine whether the item should be included on the Destination P.O.
    • Qty Ordered - Verify / edit whether the same quantity is being purchased
    • Unit Cost - Pulls dollar amount from Source P.O.
      • May be different from the Inventory Item cost if looking at a defined part that has been updated since the creation of the Source P.O.
  3. Edit 'Due Date' if needed.
    • Each line present "inherits" its Due Date from the Source P.O, but can be changed.
      • Use the Update All button to flush a new date through already existing line items.
  4. Verify / edit the destination for the item being ordered.
    • By default, each item "inherits" the destination assigned on the Source P.O.
    • Destination information can be edited in the Line Item Details.
  5. Edit any additional information for each part in the Line Item Details as needed.
Header Section
  1. Verify / edit values in this section as needed:
    • Purchased By: Indicates who authorized the purchase of the listed material / services
    • Contact: Represents the vendor's contact regarding the P.O.
    • *Currency Code: Defaults to currency associated with the selected vendor.
    • Exchange Rate: Populates from 'Currency Code' by default.
      • Will always be "1" unless dealing with a foreign currency.
    • Terms Code and Tax Code - Required on AP invoices
Available Addresses Section
  1. Verify / edit information regarding the expected delivery of the ordered items as needed:
    • Shipping Address Type (radio button): Select the option that indicates where the ordered items should be delivered.
    • Location / Customer Code / Vendor Code: Dropdown option varies based on the Shipping Address Type selected.
Comments Section
  1. Verify / edit 'Notes To Vendor.'
    • As indicated in the Comments Section, information entered in this field will print on documents seen by the vendor.
Complete P.O. Creation
  1. Click 'Process' once all the values have been entered / verified on the P.O.
    • If the Destination P.O. contains defined parts, it is likely the utility will display prompts regarding differences between the quantities / costs on the Destination P.O. and the Inventory Items defined in the system.
    • It is strongly suggested to answer 'No' to these prompts to avoid overwriting existing quantity breaks and related estimated costs on the part files referenced. If the user answers 'Yes', the utility will replace existing breaks with a single break and the cost located on the purchase order being created.
    • Once processed, you can go back and create additional line items. This unprocesses the P.O., and it must be processed again before you can receive anything in. Outside of that, most of a P.O. cannot be edited. The ability to unprocess a P.O. depends on whether it has been received or not.


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