Create a Customer Return and Associated Rework Job

System Location: Data Entry > Orders > Customer Rework/Returns

This topic provides details on how to create a customer return using a packing list as the source of information. It also provides information on how to use the return to create a rework job as a means of replacing the parts for the customer.

For more information see Customer Rework / Returns.

ClosedCreate the Return / Provide Details

Creating a customer return may be done all at one time (assuming all the related actions have been taken) or over time as details are learned and actions taken. Regardless the timing, the customer should be provided the Return Number for shipping purposes.

  1. Go to the blue Data Entry tab, open the Orders dropdown menu, and select Customer Rework/Returns.
  2. Click New (located at the top of the page.)
    • If the return is being completed over time, the 'Edit' option would be used to re-open the return to provide additional details as available.
General Section
  1. Verify / set the Customer Return Number.
  2. Select the packing list to pull information from.
    1. Click Search.
    2. Select the desired packing list from the Packing List - Line Item Selection screen.
      • Use the search options provided if the packing list is not displayed
    3. Click OK.
    4. Select the parts from the packing list that should be placed on the return.
      • All items are selected by default, but the selection can be changed.
    5. Click OK.
      • Details from the selected packing list are used to populate the majority of the fields in the General and Line Items Sections.
  3. Verify / set Return Status.
    • Defaults to 'Issued.'
    • Automatically updates based on information entered on return.
    • Can be manually set by selecting from dropdown menu.
Line Items Section
  1. Verify / edit information pulled from packing list.
    • Items can be deleted from grid if selected by mistake
  2. Adjust Quantities.
    • 'Qty Returned' and 'Qty To Rework' default to the quantity shipped on the packing list ('Original Qty Shipped' field)
    • Assuming the return is being completed over time, it is suggested to set 'Qty To Rework' to zero (0) to prevent a rework job from being created by accident.
    • If the return is being created based on actions already taken, adjust the quantities accordingly if they are different than the quantity shipped.
      • 'Qty To Rework' must be reduced BEFORE 'Qty Returned' if both values need to be adjusted.
  3. Click Reason Code and select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu.
Return Creation Section
  1. Select who issued / created the return and when.
    • Date defaults to the current date but can be edited
  2. Enter Reason For Return.
    • Brief description why the customer says they are returning the parts
  3. Click Save to save and close (if being completed over time) or continue as appropriate.
    • Use the Save dropdown menu if you want to create a new record or print a report upon saving

If the return is being completed over time, it will be closed and re-opened for editing multiple times from this point forward. For purposes of the remainder of this portion of the example, assume the return could be closed and re-opened after providing any of the following information as needed.

During the completion process, be sure to use the SAVE button. The return should not be processed until a determination has been made regarding whether the parts will be restocked or reworked.

Receiving Section
  1. Select who received the returned parts and when.
    • Date defaults to the current date but can be edited
  2. Enter Receiving Comments.
    • Brief description regarding the parts as they are received
  3. Adjust Qty Returned (in Line Item Section) if needed.
QC / Inspection Section
  1. Select who inspected the returned parts and when.
    • Date defaults to the current date but can be edited
  2. Enter QC Comments.
  3. Adjust Qty To Rework or Qty To Restock (in Line Item Section) as appropriate for each item returned / inspected.
    • 'Qty To Rework' can be entered directly in Line Item Grid or in Details of Line Item.
    • 'Qty To Restock' must be entered in Line Item Details.
      • Must select Bin Location(s) to indicate where parts will be placed when the return is processed
    • Quantity can be split between both options, but be mindful of pulling On Hand quantities during Order Processing
    • If returned parts are restocked and reworked on the same return, make sure to avoid posting the restocked parts to the rework job created during Order Processing!
  4. (OPTIONAL) Create Non-Conformance and / or Corrective Action.
    • If the Quality Application is available, the system can automatically create a Non-Conformance and / or a Corrective Action so long as the return is configured to do so PRIOR to processing.
    • This can be done in either of the following ways:
      • Place a check in either or both of the options located in the General Section (under 'Return Status')
        • 'Create CAPA for each line item on this return' - Used to create Corrective Action(s)
        • 'Create NC for each line item on this return' - Used to create Non-Conformance(s)
      • Place / remove a check in the appropriate field for each part listed in the Line Item Grid
        • 'Create CAPA'
        • 'Create NC'
    • Quality records will only be created for the items that are selected in the Line Item Grid.

The ability to create Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions requires the use of the Quality Application. For information regarding the Quality Application, contact sales at 1-800-525-2143.

  • Once the decision has been made regarding rework and restock, the return is ready to be processed.
  • Information in the Orders / Accounting Section is populated once the return is processed and a credit memo is created (if applicable.)

ClosedProcess the Return / Expected Results

  1. Enter / verify details on the return.
    • Ensure all necessary fields are populated. Of particular note:
      • Ensure the quantity fields have been adjusted.
      • Verify whether CAPA and / or NC records will be created (Requires Quality Application)
        • Can vary part to part
      • Verify that Reason Codes have been selected
    • See "Create the Return / Provide Details" above for additional information.
    • Clicking 'Process' generates additional records and cannot be "undone" from within the Customer Return once created.
  2. Click Process.
ClosedProcess Results: Quantity To Rework
  1. System automatically opens / edits the order that the returned parts were originally made on.
    • There will be a new line item entered for each part that had a value in 'Qty To Rework.'
  2. Edit the details of each line item (job) as needed.
    • Depending on what needs to be done, routing may need to be edited
    • Adjustments to material will need to be made during order processing or afterward since Job Requirements are not available until a Job Number has been assigned
  3. Process the order.
    • Once the order has been processed, the system takes the user back to the customer return.
    • The return references the 'Original Job Number' in the Line Items Grid for each part being reworked.
      • The rework jobs will reference the customer return in the Releases Section.
    • Information regarding the order can also be found in the Orders / Accounting Section of the return for reference.
    • Costs captured against the rework jobs will eventually be applied against the original job in order to more accurately reflect the total cost of making and reworking the parts.

For more information see Order Entry.

ClosedProcess Results: Quantity To Restock
  1. System places restocked parts into inventory as 'On Hand' quantity.
    • Increased quantity can be seen by opening Inventory Item or the Inventory Adjustment option.
    • System uses Unit Cost of parts that were returned as the value in inventory.

ClosedCreate Credit Invoice

The ability to create a credit memo / credit invoice using information from a customer return requires that a customer invoice already exists in JobBOSS2 that was created from the packing list used as the source of the return.

  1. Click Create Credit / Invoice (located in Customer Return Header Toolbar.)
    • The system automatically opens a new customer invoice
    • The user must have security rights to create a Customer Invoice in order to successfully use this option.
  2. Verify values on the invoice.
    • Invoice Number defaults to the original number with "-CM" appended.
      • Example: The Invoice Number for the credit memo created for (original) invoice "1234" would be "1234-CM"
    • Dollar amounts display as "negative" values to indicate the credit nature of the invoice.
    • If the option to 'Bill customer for restocking these items' has been selected, the dollar amount of the credit is reduced by the Restocking Fee (%) designated on the Customer Table.
  3. Click OK.
    • User is taken back to the customer return.
    • Information about the credit is displayed in the Orders / Accounting Section of the return for reference.


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