
The Help area provides access to the Online Help file, client downloads, and information about your instance of JobBOSS2.

Contents (Online Help)

Click Contents to open Online Help in a new browser tab or window, depending on your browser permissions and settings.

Clear cached images and files from your browser history if Help does not reflect information you are expecting to see; it is possible your browser has stored older information and is not displaying the most recent version of the help content.

Client Downloads

Use this option to download files related to the (missing or bad snippet) Sync interface, data collection clocks, uploading documents from Professional to JobBOSS2, and downloading the Rapid Documentation System installer.

  • The RDS installer will not appear under Client Downloads unless you purchase the application. For pricing information, contact Sales at 800 525 2143.

About JobBOSS2 System

Click this option to see information related to licensing, users, and current data collection attendance log-ins.