Create a Document Type

System Location: Settings > Base Tables > Document Types

Document types can be used to identify the various kinds of documents used within your business.

For more information see Document Type.

  1. Click the Settings button.Settings_Button
  2. Open the Base Tables dropdown menu.
  3. Select Document Types.
  4. Click New (located at the top of the page.)

Provide Values

Provide information for the fields listed below at a minimum to take advantage of JobBOSS2's reporting and analysis tools in addition to benefiting from its ability to pass information along from one part of the software to another.

An asterisk [*] indicates a required field.

  1. Provide information as appropriate:
    • *Document Type: Provides a "category" for the associated document
      • Examples include Certification, Drawing, Image, Process, etc.
    • Description: Appears on Document Type Navigator and various reports for reference
  2. Click 'Save' to save and close the record.
    1. Use the Save dropdown menu if you want to create a new record or print a report upon saving.