Select whether the utility will look at Date Shipped or Date (Packing List) Entered when looking for eligible packing lists.
'Begin Date' and 'End Date' values are applied against the option selected prior to processing.
In the image above, the results are based on the packing list's Ship Date.
Select the Begin Date.
This represents the earliest date the utility will consider when looking for eligible packing lists.
Blank by default, but can be changed.
When left blank, the utility looks at all packing lists with a date prior to the current date.
Select the End Date.
This represents the latest date the utility will consider when looking for eligible packing lists.
Defaults to the current date, but can be changed.
Determine the following settings:
Packing Lists That Have Been Pre-Priced ONLY: When selected, the utility only displays any packing lists for parts that have a dollar value present on an underlying order.
This could be used to prevent drop-shipped or non-billed items from appearing in the utility.
Click Preview (located in Utility Toolbar at the top of the screen.)
This populates the Customers and Packing Lists Grids with values that meet the selected criteria.
This removes the customer and all packing lists associated with the customer (that were displayed in the Packing Lists Grid) from the utility at the same time.
To remove specific packing lists:
Select a customer in the Customers Grid.
Select the associated packing list(s) to remove in the Packing Lists Grid.
Click Remove Packing List (located above Packing Lists Grid.)
This removes the specified packing list(s) from the utility but leaves the remaining packing lists associated with the customer.
Once the list of packing lists has been finalized, the user can create the invoices based on some additional selections.
Generate Billing Box
Determine how Invoice Dates will be assigned.
This required field can be assigned in one of two ways:
Use the value provided in 'Invoice Date' field of utility.
This will be the date used on every invoice created by the utility.
Have the system match Invoice Dates with Packing List Dates.
To allow this, place a check in 'Match Invoice And Packing List Dates.'
When selected, the utility will assign the date from the selected packing lists as the date for the respective invoices.
When using this option, be aware that invoices cannot be created for a posted accounting period.
Determine how Invoice Numbers will be assigned.
Invoice Number is required and can be assigned in one of two ways:
Use 'Next Invoice Number' provided by system.
Uses value provided in Next Number portion of Company Maintenance (as displayed in 'First Invoice Number' field of utility.)
The value will be increased by an increment of 1 for each additional invoice created.
Have system match Invoice Numbers with Packing List Numbers.
To allow this, place a check in 'Match Invoice And Packing List Numbers.'
When selected, the utility will force the Invoice Number to match the Packing List Number for each invoice created.
Regardless the option selected, each Invoice Number generated must be unique and the utility will create an invoice for each packing list selected, even if there is more than one packing list for the same customer.
(OPTIONAL) Review list of packing lists to be paid prior to processing.
The report displays a list of packing lists and amounts that will be included on the invoices that will be created by the utility.
Click Close.
The utility prompts whether the current selections should be saved so the user can "continue automatic billing at a later date."
Click Yes on the prompt.
The utility displays the same selections that were present when closed the next time it is used.
If the prompt is answered 'No' the utility resets to the default settings as indicated above and the user would have to click 'Preview' to get items to display.
Click Process.
The utility prompts whether the user wishes to continue with the invoice creation process.
Click Yes on the prompt.
The selected Customers and related Packing Lists are removed from the utility.
Clicking No returns the user to the utility without creating any invoices.
(OPTIONAL) Print the invoices just created.
Click Print Invoices.
This option is not available until the utility has been processed.
In the invoice print spool, select the invoices to print and generate them accordingly.
It is suggested to clear the print spool prior to processing if the invoices will be printed immediately after creation to avoid accidentally re-printing invoices that may have been edited previously.
Once generated, click Close.
The user is taken back to the Auto Billing Utility.